George Monbiot

George is Britain’s good journalist with weekly columns in The Guardian newspaper – mostly on the abominations of bad governance in Britain and how the quasi still monarchist rich segment of British society “destroys all things good for the people and Nature” in society, makes a mockery of laws, and basically embodies a crime against humanity. While we focus on solutions, it is necessary part to shed naive illusions and unveil that there is reasons for the shitshow on Earth and this reason has names and titles and fat bank accounts, knows no shame or honor and is full of shit. Only when we get to see and smell it out can we decide to flush it down the toilet drain of history and decide for the NEW.

His love though is with Nature, re-wilding and he recently published a book on next-level good people-powered governance – The Politics of Belonging . That’s where his Heart his and we look forward to more publications.


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