“Positive News? We need this in Bosnia,”
people said when hearing of my work. After hearing it 3 times, I decided “okay, we will create a special issue on Bosnia-Herzegovina – of value for BiH and Western Europe.”
It’s Bosnia’s first and only POSITIVE NEWS / ACTION MAGAZINE for youth, schools and you. If you say the country needs it, I need your help to make it happen with me.
I make it easy for you with free, fast, fun 2 minute actions. View below.

Why does it matter??
Because 80% of human behavior is shaped by role models. Much of it subconsciously. And via media. Do you see hero*ine role models en masse? Well, they let’s get it started! In North America, youth-led action is already a masse movement, at schools; more below.
Value for Bosnia-Herzegovina
- youth, adults, schools and organizations that make efforts to do good for people and planet in BOSNIA
- inspirational GLOBAL examples that show what today’s TEENS AND SCHOOLS are already doing, and how one can initiate it in Bosnia also with global partners
- those who dare to dream, follow their passion, be creative to make life and the world more awesome with a spark of magic … since I am often being told that (a) talent and creativity are not appreciated, (b) passionate students are disencouraged (c) young entrepreneurs lose hope and momentum when hearing of another threat of war (no matter whether for real or to win an election or make money), (d) you cannot make it in BiH and have to leave the country, and (e) you’ll know more points to add.
It will inspire, empower, equip and connect those featured + those reading it and viewing rich and precious conversations on YOUTH-LEADER’s youtube channel’s Bosnia playlist … and THOSE WHO CHOOSE TO USE the NATIONAL AND GLOBAL CONTENT, CONTACTS and TOOLS included.
Value for Europe
For Europe, the DIGITAL AND PAPER COPIES get promoted for use in education on Europe, post-conflict *current* Balkans and SDGs, with direct leads for dialog, encounters and collaboration. It’s GOLD!
Every good teacher knows of the 90’s time, Sarajevo and Srebrenica, and seek to raise their students’ awareness on matters of peace, war, and unity in diversity. But the story hasn’t ended with sad data and black and white pictures. Proper learning includes the BiH of today – not of skylines and GDP – but of kind, peaceful youth and adults doing good stuff, guarding their lands, soils, waters, with stunning history and cultures, love and huggability, being Europeans that greatly enrich life in Europe like few are aware of – and from on shall be – with plenty of leads, bridges, doors and contacts to enter the beautiful Bosnian World that offers so much that overdeloped Europe has lost, frantically seeks to nurture in their populations – such as a sense of peace, responsibility, good neighborhood and plain HUMANITY – and can re-learn among Bosnians, starting with Sarajevo and surroundings, with so much more to discover as you explore all regions.
It is a unique learning resource on spirit of resilience, regeneration, sound mind, down to Earth virtues of great value for Western Europe’s hyper-developed societies troubled with mental illness, poisoned land and waters, sadness despite materialist riches.
Plus, remember that YL Magazine is part of our diverse youth leadership programs, action platforms and travel programs:
- We promote refreshed school / student club powered Pan-European Collaboration to protect, restore and evolve our natural and cultural heritage, do social enterprise, achieve SDGs and create the EUROPE WE LOVE.
- Sarajevo is YOUTH-LEADER’s prime Summer Camp destination, with family holiday add-ons, just a day’s flixbusride away from all of Europe.
So, this issue and the emerging network of relations are to enjoy many ripple effects.
What Stories FIT IN? More than you imagine
How does YOUR STORY get told? (2 h all incl.)
We include a wide scope of stories – view the poster below.
We have a video / conversation of usually 1 to 2 hours
- on your story
- what you do
- how you approach it
- the origin
- challenges, breakthroughs, surprises, allies
- fun anecdotes and touching moments
- what’s next!
and how youth, people and schools can interact with you
- how to help
- what they can experience
- how to team up
- you add some vivid photos
- I create an article from it >>> AND SHARE IT WITH YOU FOR YOUR APPROVAL
- I publish it on youtube and social media >>> UNLESS YOU PREFER NOT TO
Altogether, it takes you ~ 2 hours
and becomes available long-term to inspire youth, students and adults via diverse channels, and LONG-TERM via YOUTH-LEADER educational media and programs in Western Europe and summer camp programs in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

You are the expert.
You know people. You have stories. You have photos. Here’s how to make it happen.
These actions are for EVERYBODY that likes positive change for people and planet.
2 minute actions
0. Spread Word + follow + see Progress unfold
Innovation can only happen when many people know of it. You will enjoy seeing stories pop up and discover a lot of surprising things. Plus, the stories offer countless options to interact, inspire, get ideas and contribute.
1. Drop me names and links
of people doing good stuff for people and planet
of people doing awesome stuff, that inspire with their passion, creativity, who dare to dream and organize magical moments for others as coach, as events etc.
View the wide scope of stories on the poster below
2. Discover what today’s youth are rocking on Earth
as individuals, groups and … at schools.
Get inspired for what will happen in BiH – once youth and their adult allies get inspired and use simple swift steps, tools and partners in the global Youth-Leader worknet.
3. Take the Short Survey
on youth leadership, schools, LearnSpaces and youth image in BiH and what works and what doesn’t and how to improve things.
Thank you for being awesome.
I’m pretty sure you feel good after this experience. You can take this inspiration further with additional activities to make first impact and get folks activated – FOR REAL – and get published in the magazine, yay!
Create Stories through Action!
4. Use the Story Set
- at school
- with youth
- with adults
to spark a conversation on activating youth leadership in BiH by creating an Enabling Environment for youth to self-organize projects changing lives and land.
5. Take Action
inspired by stories, their Action Guides! and conversations … and tell us about it
6. Video-/ Meet me
to inspire your group, learn more, build a bond, plan ahead
7. Organize a Hero*ines Poster Exhibit
to inspire many over a long period of time, create a space with uplifting flair, inspire conversations, keep learning, lay a foundation for youth leadership LearnSpaces and more.
This can get combined with activities on your priority causes, with activities and more. We are here to take part and help make it the best it can be.
Thank you for being awesome.
Imagine this to get done in every town, every school, every community centre, canteen, cafe and family restaurant (exhibits, flyers, placemats) … everybody loves young hero*ines and everyhere are people that enjoy making youth-led action their “sport”.
Craig was 12 years old when he decided to form a Changemaker Student Club … and as youth and teachers heard of it they followed his example. Today, he has teams at 16,000 schools.
Why? Because 80% of human behavior is shaped by role models.
The future will be what you wish + want + create it to be.
We are here to help.