There’s a Quidditch league in the African Bush, and their founder, John, is a teacher.

And as he saw that children could not afford to buy 50 cent school books, he founded a school.
And being the rare kind of teacher that is also a fish farmer, and wants to see social change, women’s rights, prosperity, he opened a teenage tailor and hairdresser training centre at school.
He also founded a Rural Teachers Association with members in 10 districts – his goal: to nurture progressive teaching methods as used in Europe, and maybe drop-dripping to African city schools, but no one considers it worth the effort to bring them to “peasants”.
John does.

And ten something years later, a generous donor gifted him a fresh school building.
And now, via Angelique, he met Eric, and John wants the entire YL enchillada at his school : exhibit + LearnSpace + community tree nursery + music + speaker and project partner of global schools on fire to live SDGs in Action + welcome guests and volunteers.

And now, you are reading this and taking this extraordinary story to friends and teachers … visit his Boost Club profile and explore milestones to reach together.