Big news!
We have in-cre-di-ble new friends and partners to rock exciting projects with.
- in Africa’s biggest refugee camp … mostly civil war refugees, many of them have lived there for 10 years already. Makes you shiver.
Sumaili is the 1 guy with a phone. And he wants to make life better for the youth
- to have proper food to eat and no longer suffer from malnutrition (because UN rations are too little) by creating PERMACULTURE GARDENS
- to better the situation of GIRLS who face exxxtreme violence. It is not imaginable for girls to walk alone or even in paris at any time of the day or night!
This topic combo is maximum en vogue with schools, media and society;
OTHERS only have sad, dull, depressing reports, leaving audiences help- and hopeless
WE have have the only POSITIVE STORY on
- youth-led action of stunning dimensions,
- with creative genius, high productivity,
- super eloquent speakers
- plenty of ways to participate, contribute,
- make a huge difference with ripple effects
in the enormous refugee camp as well as being a world-premiere PILOT MODEL to replicate in other refugee camps using YL media, methods and partners.
Eric and Sumaili have messaged a lot and video-met to
- explain YL tools, tricks and partners
- learn about the refugee youth situation
and agree to go all in with our LearnSpace, Speakers, Project Partnership with global schools, citizen groups and companies
as add-on to bring their youth centre to life with
computer station, newsroom, arts and acrobatics corner, beauty salon, teenage tailor training centre, magical children and youth library and more
to attract families, adults, build community, gain appreciation, learn skills, make an income …
We met the Girls Group
and the girls are ready to join in.
Two days later, we had an intro video, personal statements, portraits and got their names, faces and skills on the web to give human feeling to the anonymous data. This is a very powerful experience for the girls who to-date are not to speak their mind in their society. And they enjoy the company of crazy guys like Eric … who is backed up by Skhumbuzo, initiated African community organizer, dance and theatre trainer from Kwa Zulu Natal (working to set up a YL Youth Leadership Centre) which makes the perfect dream team!
Come on over, get to know the girls, familiarize yourself with the situation, the horrible circumstances, the fascinating exciting potentials, and for the love of God and kids, please #bemoreawesome and activate your school, community, friends and community and pick a milestone and make it happen!