
Dear Byron Bay region folks – what’s happened since? We want to know!
I wanna know, since Oz 95 has been my 1st magical year and I still cry when I touch gum trees. Fair dinkum, mate!
YOUTH-LEADER has a bit of a history with Australia and beautiful beings like Tracey Foster, Holley Somerville-Knott, Fire Mane, Sue Lennox, Robin Grille, Marian Simms and more.
And now is the time to write its next beautiful chapter together!
YOU are the most magical region of Oz.
Will you chip in your POSITIVE NEWS in YL, to then share with your region’s youth, schools, parents, folks to rev up spirit of positive change – and collab with ace changemakers all over the planet?
Let’s show the world how lovely people can live, that is
projects, vibrant community, lovely nature, permaculture, ace (home)schools, nature guides, music, arts, epic places … plus what needs protection and get improved 🙂
Throw your fave format at us
- video testimonials
- photos and photo essays
- brief shout out posts, drop by submission form
- articles – use our article template
You can post on your own social media using hastag #YLAustralia
You can comment under our article on facebook or on instagram or here (free login required)
We look forward to your submissions!
This can become a full-fledged regional AUSSIE ISSUE to boost sense of community, can-do feel and new collaboration in these turbulent times
- online, digital PDF, print on-demand
- to promote to your region’s folks, schools and Australia-wide. Plus to our global YL audiences and schools. You bet they love to meet the BEST funky folks in Oz.
- to start school partnerships with hero*ines
- to travel with purpose
- to find allies and more
Love it? contribute + get in touch!