“I want to do something special, and for my friends in Amazonia!”
Sina felt (her story with Amazonia goes wayyy back, it’s quite epic really … actually, she’s been part of writing history… maybe you get her to tell the story some day), and warmed her equally idealist husband Kai for the idea of expanding their common birthday party a little bit by throwing in “some YL stuff” she got into her hands over the past months of training as YL Coach … here’s what that looked like.

You see you don’t need a high flying “exhibit system”, you take a laundry line and clips.
That’s all you need at school, community centres, town fests, farmers markets and conferences, too.

It sparked conversations beyond coffee and cookies with all generations
- teachers
- veteran scouts seeing their own 70s youth movement actions coming to life again
- environmental and cultural activists
and it planted seeds for more to come.

And it makes pretty photos, too.
Sina got her photographer friend Moritz to capture scenes … you can do without a pro and ace camera, but if you have ’em, why not invite them for half an hour of clickediclick?
Don’t be shy about taking photos.
You’ll find some of these shots on our main website and manuals – because they are perfect real-life illustrations of casual poster use in action. That’s precious!
Whenever you do positive change activities, simply take photos and share … it keeps the spirit rippling through social networks and inspires others to follow your example …
like all of us got inspired by Lulu!
A good Philanthro-Party has games and participation.

So we mapped heros, learnspaces and adult allies in the wider region.
Geez, did this uncover interesting relations … all the way to big business and politics and media. Who would have guessed?! One just needs to talk about it.
And everybody made a contribution to FUNdraise for AMAZONIA, and many to boosting youth leadership, financially and in-kind and as allies for what is to come
to help with a venture that Sina’s friends are up to right now + a video-meeting to celebrate the collaboration and common achievements! HOORAY!
But there was more. Since Eric was on his way to France, Sina also threw him into the program for a sevengardens workshop with the kids!